Monday, September 26, 2011

I guess it's just the story of my life.

When I feel like I am on top of the world and my life is going they way I want it, everything just falls apart. This isn't new to me it seems as if it's been going on my whole life.  Please don't get me wrong.  This isn't a complaint, just a matter of fact and at the age of 38 I'm used to it.  I've always adapted and been able to fight my way back to the top again, even more proud of myself then the last time. This time is just way harder than ever before.

I've been encouraged by a couple of medical professionals, friends from my support group and my family to document my journey. Over the past year I have written a few things here and there and I have put a lot of thought into whether I want to share my story or not.

Recently it came to my attention that most of my friends and some of my family really have no idea what is going with my Tumor, the damage to my brain and the struggles I am facing on my path to my recovery. I think it's been like the telephone game we played when we were kids, by the time the info gets down the line, it's completely changed. So this in combination with me needing to get all the thoughts running around in my head down on paper and the therapy I hope to get from writing are the reasons for this blog.

So as I sit here today, it's been just over a year since I found out about my Brain Tumor, 7 months since the surgery that removed most of the tumor and a month since I found out about the damage the tumor has done to my brain.  The damage to my brain was confirmed and it's not easy to accept. We knew there were things that weren't right but never wanted to hear that.

This Blog will be difficult for me emotionally, from my Aphasia and the brain damage from the tumor. So a special thanks to my husband John who will be proof reading for me. (love you honey xo)


  1. This is so great that you are doing this... my Mother had a brain tumor removed about 10 years ago and it was about the size of a lemon that grew on her ole factory nerve, anyway it was removed and she has no sense of smell... which isn't that big of a deal to her but her memory and expressing herself verbally has been the hardest part. She knows what she wants to say but sometimes just can't get it out or she will pause in the middle for a long time. I wish she would have kept a journal since this all began. They even did a big case study on her which included many, many questions trying to determine what caused the tumor, they don't even know how long she had had it. They said it could have started growing many years ago and the only reason it was found is because she said she couldn't smell, she could breath just fine though. Her Dr. told her to take some nasal spray and see if that helps, I told her that was bullshit and to go to my Dr. which she did and immediately my Dr. sent her for an MRI and found the tumor right away. It was such a shock to us all and then about 2 weeks later she was at Barrow's for the 8 hour surgery, they were incredible and she was out of the hospital within 48 hours. Thank god the tumor never came back but the affects of it are still there which is hard for people to understand because she looks so normal.... anyway, that is a personal story to let you know I understand some of what you might be going through and I am looking forward to following your blog! I will continue to pray for you and your healing process. Much love- Terri xoxo ;o)

  2. I'm so glad you are doing this! If not for the understanding of others, just doing it for your own growth and better personal reflection. I look forward to 'following' you, and send you as much love as humanly possible from one sister to another. No matter who you are now, you are still the same person you've always been, My big sister- goofy with a wild streak, wise beyond her years, an amazing mother, and someone I will look up to no matter what. Hang in there, and write, write, write : )

  3. I love you for all you have brought to my life, not just for your 'big' accomplishments throughout your life. You have always persevered through the challenges you've encountered and whatever that means on this journey, I'm sure you will persevere in this as well. This brain injury and tumor shook your life up - I get that. I don't know how I would cope with such an occurrence, but know that I'm here to listen and read and learn along with you. Much love - Your Mom
