Saturday, October 1, 2011

August 23, 2010: The day that changed my life forever. Part 2

I sat in the exam room confused and shocked. I don't think I said anything. The Doctor said that she had called  the Neurologist she had sent me to for the headaches to get me an appointment right away and  had also faxed him the MRI report. She explained the Tumor had been the cause of my years of unexplained medical issues.  It was because the Tumor was destroying my Pituitary Glad. She was going through the papers she had printed from the internet and was reading and circling information on the pages. She was showing me pictures of a brain and pointing out where the tumor was and telling me about the Pituitary Gland. And I just sat there, trying to listen to what she was saying, trying to understand, but all I could think of was Jordan and Tanner.

Honestly, everything was such a blur.  I remember being in my car after the appointment. I think that is when it finally hit me and I began to cry. I had never been so scared in my life. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat there. I must have called back to my office to tell them I wouldn't be back, but I don't remember making the call. I made the 40 minute trip home and I don't remember a second of the drive. I must have been set on autopilot.

The only other thing I remember from that day is standing in my bedroom, looking at John.  I must have looked a mess because I remember the look on his face. Through my tears I told him I have a Brain Tumor.  I remember the shocked look on his face and I could tell he was trying to be strong as I stood there and falling apart. The next thing that happened will forever be ingrained in my memory.  John took my hands and said " I love you. WE will get through this. I need you to be my wife."


  1. That gave me chills! I love hearing your story and learning more about you... I have known John since middle school and he is a great guy! I am so glad that you two found each other, it sounds like you have a great relationship! So happy for you both! May you continue to love each other and get through the tough times that will only make you stronger as a couple... much love to both of you! Terri xoxoxoxo :o)

  2. I'm so happy that you have a supportive husband to help you through all of this. What a guy!

    Welcome to Blogging!
